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discussion of the research results

The discussion of the research results of scientific papers is a part related to the comparison between previous research and existing research. The purpose is to clarify the similarities and differences between them, so as to show the importance of research.Now?

The importance of scientific research

Scientific research is one of the most important factors in a country's development, because without scientific research, all developed countries cannot achieve their goals. Scientific research is a path of national progress, which ensures a better future and a decent life for individuals.Therefore, whether it is a master's degree or a doctor's degree, the importance of scientific research and the separate discussion of research results are the most important part of scientific research.

The chapter on the research results is the most important chapter, which explains the conclusions drawn by the researchers through the research, answers the initial questions and the objectives achieved through the research.This chapter also compares the researcher's findings with the assumptions he put forward before starting scientific research to ensure that he has achieved the research objectives.He also compared his previous research results and linked them to the theories he relied on.

Emtyiaz for educational services helps you to discuss the results of scientific research by separating the audit results from general audit results. These audit results constitute all basic aspects of the research. For example, the objectives of the research are:The research attempts to achieve these goals, the methods used by researchers to achieve these goals, and the tools used by researchers to collect information.A summary of the results was then obtained from the study sample.Please do not hesitate and seek help to prepare the results of the chapter to complete your research, a clear and powerful chapter to prove your ability to understand the subject.

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