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Voice discharge

Voice discharge of content and service images of the most important services provided by Emtyiaz company for educational services. voice content is converted into scripts that the reader can easily see and understand. He can thus understand the speaker clearly without having to listen to the audio file many times, resulting in a loss of time and effort, as individuals face many difficulties in understanding the audio files and therefore need specialists in this field .

We differentiate  at Emtyiaz for Educational Services by having a professional team with great language skills. It provides audio transcription service and is able to empty files quickly, with quality and perfection, without any spelling or grammatical errors.

Voice discharge services provided by the Emtyiaz Company include:

·        Recorded passages relating to research and studies.

·        Audio clips for lectures and seminars.

·        Customer service calls that need to be downloaded to check the statistics needed to meet customer demands.

·        Audio clips for commercial and marketing work

Our expertise in voice-discharge services

       Our team has excellent knowledge of the language and the topics that such recordings talk about, so you can rest assured of their ability to provide written documentation that reflects the sound recording accurately and honestly.

       The work team has the necessary linguistic expertise with regard to grammar, numbering, spelling, and sentence structure in Arabic, English and others. Besides, they have a host of dictionaries, glossaries, terminology references, and glossaries that are helpful to speed up the service and its quality.

·        Our team is characterized by accurate linguistic review free of spelling errors, as well as the completion of the work in the required time and format, due to the fact that we are fully aware of the importance of writing the audio content to be transcribed correctly and accurately.

·        We put at your disposal excellent customer service and a competitive price list that makes us the best in providing the audio transcription services most suited to your needs.

·        Emtyiaz Company for Educational Services is distinguished by its provision of the service of unpacking audio content in all fields, whether religious, literary, commercial, financial, legal or cultural, through a group of experts and specialists in unpacking audio files to reach the accuracy and efficiency that customers expect




Don't hesitate to contact us for voice discharge service. We're happy to help you anytime.

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