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E-book design

As a result of technological development, E-books have emerged, which are complete books but are in digital format, and there are E-books that have been converted from printed books and others written in this format from the beginning. Emtyiaz for Educational Services offers a PDF electronic book design service and e-books have spread because of the tendency of people to read from their smartphones, tablets, and laptops, because of their easy carrying, the possibility of storing a large number of books on them, as well as the easy and quick translation compared to regular printed books. Features of E-books’ accept a lot about these books instead of printed ones,

The characteristics of E-book:

        Easy to carry and navigate.

        Its ability to clarify information by all available means is not limited to text only but contains color images, animations and sound effects as well as videos.

        The possibility of moving to the sources from which the author quoted or any source referred to in the book.

        Some books allow you to search their contents so you can easily find the information you are looking for.

        Can be read anywhere without the need for proper lighting and without other constraints.

        Thousands of copies of a single book are sold without access.

        Protection from damage compared to printed books.

        You can download hundreds of books, your phone is like a large library you carry in your hand.

Why do customers turn to us to request PDF E-book design service?

Because we keep choosing and adhering to the main idea of the book.2. Format the book and not make it a variety of random information and topics.3. Arrange ideas sequentially and tidyly.4. Use modern and modern designs when designing the book to suit the theme of the book and be comfortable to the eye and attract the attention of the reader. Therefore, do not hesitate dear customer to request the service


Now we are always ready to serve you.

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