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Setting up the theoretical framework

Preparing the theoretical framework is the most important step in scientific research in the master's and doctoral thesis or in any paper or scientific research. This is due to the fact that the theoretical framework is considered the most important and largest chapter in the message, as it constitutes the theoretical basis that allows the reader to understand the message’s topic and its significance. Theory reflects previous research and analysis in your field. They provide explanations for phenomena that occur in the field of study. Over time theories are revisited refined and sometimes discarded in favor of new theories always with the aim of providing a more accurate Explain the dynamics at work in our world.

Theories help researchers make predictions about the phenomena they are studying. They can be informative in determining which variables should be observed and how data should be collected analyzed and interpreted in the process of making and proving conclusions.

But there are some misconceptions among students in terms of writing and documenting the theoretical framework, and many students believe that the process of preparing the theoretical framework is the writing and documentation of texts from certain sources without any change.

Therefore, Emtyiaz for Educational Services provides full consultations to help students in how to prepare the theoretical framework, starting with searching for sources and references related to the topic of research, providing all references in pdf format, completely reformulating the content, documenting texts and attributing them to their references in more than one format.

The most important thing that distinguishes our team in preparing the theoretical framework

  1. The contents of the theoretical framework are reformulated with high accuracy.
  2. Providing and summarizing recent studies related to the research topic.
  3. We send the student all the references that were used as his reference.
  4. The team's interest in the references is to be very up-to-date and relevant to the topic of the research.
  5. Diversity of references, sources, and previous studies.
  6. Observing the conditions of universities in coordinating and writing scientific dissertations to ensure acceptance of the research.
  7. Making the theoretical framework in both Arabic and English (English framework)
  8. Modification of the theoretical framework at any time without additional cost.
  9. Communicating with the researcher during the preparation of the theoretical framework during official working hours.
  10. Follow up with the student from the beginning of the work to the discussion.

Now get the theoretical framework setup service

In Emtyiaz for Educational Services, we provide the service of preparing the theoretical framework for theses, research and others. By collecting all recent references closely related to the subject of the study and covering all its variables, summarizing and reformulating them in the appropriate academic form, in addition to taking care of their proper documentation and providing the student with a copy of the work and an electronic copy of all the references used in preparing the theoretical framework.


Apply for a theoretical framework preparation service in your master's thesis or doctorate, or even in your duties and research that require covering this part, and trust that you will obtain efficiency and quality in preparing the theoretical framework with the help of a number of researchers and doctors who specialize in preparing this part.

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