أطلب بحثك

رسائل ماجستير ودكتوراة فى العلوم

Master thesis _ The Roles of Biotin in Candida Albicans Physiology
Master thesis _ Trade-offs in Male Lek Behavior
PHD. thesis _ Investigations into Sensory Ecology and Gene Evolution of the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum)
PHD. thesis _ Costs of Female Mating Behavior in the Variable Field Cricket,Gryllus lineaticeps
PHD. thesis _ Characterization of the Role of Host and Dietary Factors in the Establishment of Bacteria in the Gastrointestinal Tract
PHD. thesis _ A Lipidomics Approach to the Viral-Host Dynamics of the Unicellular, Eukaryotic Alga Chlorella variabilisand its Viral Pathogen, PBCV-1
Observational Learning in the Jumping Spider Phidippus audax
No Nonsense The Protection of Wild-Type mRNAs From Nonsense-Mediated mRNA Decay inSaccharomyces cerevisiae
Master thesis _ Variation in Density Dependent Seedling Survival Across Forests of Different Successional Age and Hunting Protection Status
PHD. thesis _ Phytohormone signaling in Chlorella sorokiniana perspectives on the evolution of plant cell-to-cell signaling

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